It was many months ago when my doctor told me that I was 'pre-diabetic'. She suggested that I should diet and exercise to get my body in order. I took the easy way out and opted for daily medication. I had a whole lot going on in my life and my stress levels were too high to concentrate on diet and exercise. You see, when things get crazy I reach for the chocolate and without that crutch who knows where I'd end up. So, my doctor put me on 1500 mg of Metformin a day until life settled and I could control things the 'proper' way.
I will brag a bit and say that I have been working on my diet and have been exercising regularly. I've gotten into a pretty good habit and it's making a huge difference. Back in August my Triglyceride number was 963 (Yowza!) and at the beginning of March it was down to 159 (Yippee!) Major kudos to me.
However, I've still got this little chocolate thing going on. I don't indulge very often but when I do it does a huge number on my body. This may be due to the Metformin or maybe it's just the way my body has always reacted but I just never noticed since I always felt like crap.
Tonight I made some brownies and had a small piece. (Keep in mind this was after going to a kid's birthday party today and passing on some delicious looking chocolate cake.) So, I decided to reward myself with some brownies. Well, here it is almost midnight and my body is M.A.D.!
Heartburn, sluggishness, major poopage, gas, bloating, headache, oh boy! The brownie was totally not worth it. Now I know.
I must remember this feeling for the next time I want to 'reward' myself.