So much to be thankful for!
1) I am thankful that on this day I have been lice-free for twenty days. This is big. Towards the end of the school year Cha came home with lice, which is an evil bastard that we battled daily for three weeks. We were picking nits every single day, doing chemical and natural treatments way more often than we should, threw away bedding, overworked the hot water setting on the washing machine, sent all stuffed animals and soft sofa pillows to exile and went thru several packets of vacuum cleaner bags during that time. We did everything we were told and tried everything that was suggested. We are all now lice experts and I pray each and every day that they keep their distance. So many tears.
2) I am thankful (truly blessed) for the week we were able to spend with my dad. Or rather, the week he spent with us. Every summer we drive out and visit him but this year I just couldn't bring myself to do it. Instead we invited my dad to come visit us and he did. He took the train, which was a whole new experience and we had a great time hanging out, laughing, playing games and just talking. It truly was a gift and I pray that he can do it again next year.
3) I am thankful that I made it to 45. Forty five is old, no longer even middle aged, but my mind still feels youthful and I can appreciate things (and people) like never before. I've learned to keep my mouth shut, allow people to fail and redeem themselves on their own, hold dear friends closely, trust my gut, slow down and think, and don't suffer fools gladly.
4) I am thankful for the 230k+ miles that my little Subaru gave us before it went kaput. That car gave us its all and it was appreciated. We traded her in for another Toyota so we are now a two Toyota family, and totally loving it.
5) I am thankful (as always) for Craigslist for helping to bring the perfect desk into our home. The beautiful roll top desk which was purchased for $30 but didn't quite fit the family was traded for another beautiful desk which fits perfectly. It's big, but not too big, comfortable, and exactly what we needed.
6) I am thankful for my circle of friends, including those in the outer regions who help keep our small town life interesting and grounded while helping to keep our time at the local pool entertaining.
7) I am thankful for forgiveness, both received and given. I have learned that it's enough to forgive without amends being made by either party. Sometimes nothing else needs to be said, and that's okay.
8) I am thankful for a power air conditoning unit which keeps our home comfortable in these extreme 90+ degree temps. Holy Toledo it's hot!
9) I am thankful for the local library for allowing me to check out all formats of books, including audio which helps keep me sane during my new 24 mile commute. Our office moved and whereas I used to be a wonderful 8 miles from the office, I am now 24 miles away and have to take the dreaded Schuylkill Expressway to Philly. Audio books keep my mind off the craziness of the roads.
10) I am thankful for my life. I am alive.