Saturday, December 21, 2013

Merry Christmas

October, November and December are tough months for me.  Too many troubling anniversaries. Too many to list, and quite frankly I don't have the emotional energy to do so.

I am learning to keep my thoughts to myself.  As much as I feel that sharing is good for the soul, I also know that my thoughts and beliefs are precious to me and sharing with the 'wrong people' kinda ruins things.

I spent the Thanksgiving holiday with family and it was priceless.  My father had a stroke and I was able to stay with him longer than expected and take care of things.  What a gift that was.

I am home now rushing to get Christmas ready for my 8 year old.  Putting up the tree, picking out this year's ornament and snow globe helped put me in the mood.

Soon enough it will be January and then February and the sad anniversaries will be behind me.  Until then I am taking it moment by moment.

Merry Christmas.



  1. sry, i do not "know" you but I found your (i thought great - because - oh shock! substancial!) comment below mine on Rubys blog. I just clicked on your profile and saw what you have been through. And then i saw your smile. I felt i just wanted to say have a "merry christmas", regardless. I am 27 and i have beaten anorexia, but i have stopped blogging since. just to explain what i did on rubys blog.

    Lots of love to you! Never stop smiling!

  2. Merry Christmas to you too Loulou. Best of luck to you forever.

  3. JJ, I hope you feel a lightness soon. Sending hugs.

  4. Just checking in to see how you are doing.
