We had a breakfast playdate today. Cha ended her most klutzy weekend ever by falling off the playground equipment face first. She cut her lip, which bled something fierce. Yesterday she fell down the basement stairs trying to carry a mop. She hit her head pretty good on the railing and bruised her arms and back pretty good. Later in the afternoon she slipped on air and fell on the hard wood floor. Not a good day to be 3. One of the moms at the playdate this morning mentioned that maybe her feet were growing and she wasn't used to them. 'Just like a newborn colt' she said. That makes sense to me. I hate the thought of my baby girl inheriting my klutz gene.
Last night Matt had a few guys over for poker. They only played til midnight or so but Matt was so wound up that he couldn't get to sleep until nearly 3:00. When I woke up this morning I found a sink full of empty beer bottles and a floor in desperate need of mopping. 'wound up' = 'drank too much'.
Tomorrow is the first day back to work after the holidays. Please God, let Cha wake up cheerful and cooperative. I really don't want to fight with a 3 year old early in the morning.
I have started weaning myself off anti-depressants. I'm doing 20 mg every other day (instead of every day). I'm on day 6 and I'm feeling icky but I don't know if that's due to the weaning.
Yesterday was my niece Dani's 4th birthday. I was thinking that she's my only blond niece. All the others are dark haired. Here are Dani and Cha several years ago at the cabin in Wisconsin. Cha was such a porker! (Pork chop Iggy!)
Tomorrow is my niece Kimberly's birthday. She'll be the magical 19, the age where nothing interesting happens. Here we are in DC. She came out to visit me five years ago and it must have been 100 every single day. We toured Philadelphia and could barely breathe due to the heat. Ugh! Smooches to Kimi!
And finally, tomorrow is Nadia's birthday. She'll be celebrating the ultimate mom way by dropping her kids off at school and then spending the day wandering around the mall and then relaxing at home. Happy Birthday girlfriend!

Life is good.
: )
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