Many Facebook friends and fellow Bloggers are posting Daily Thanks for the month of November. It's a great idea and I am enjoying their words and the emotions behind them.
Life has been way too busy for me lately so promising to do anything every day (other than brush my teeth and put on deodorant) would be a waste of time. So, here are my Daily Thanks for the first part of November. Feel free to read one a day. : )
1. I am thankful for my home, which keeps me comfortable and safe and holds memories of my growing family. It needs a whole lot of work but it's where my little family of three snuggles up together on the couch or sits around the dinner table and creates precious moments. When I saw the house for the first time I fell in love with the 2nd floor hall, the area at the top of the stairs, outside the bedrooms. It's a small area but it seemed so homey, someplace that only those who lived there could appreciate.
2. I am thankful for my little fenced in yard which contains and entertains little Lizzy and makes being a dog owner that much easier. In years passed we've had gardens, sandboxes, tents and pools in that yard but I'm loving that the open space is now being occupied by our sweet puppy, and a half dozen beach balls that have been popped and dragged in the mud.
3. I am thankful for Dr. Singer who performed my post-bilat reconstruction. He is an amazingly talented and caring surgeon and I was blessed to find him. I've recommended him to several friends and family and they all had good experiences with him.
4. I am thankful for Brigitte, who three years ago opened her family's vacation home to a bunch of near strangers for a mom's retreat. That act closely bonded a group of woman and started a bi-annual tradition of weekend getaways filled with staying up too late, waking up too early, enjoying fresh air and afternoon naps, laughing til it hurts, countless empty bottles, too much food, practical jokes, tears, and the occasional F word.
5. I am thankful for the passage of time. It is wrinkling my skin and turning my hair gray and straw-like but it has also soothed old wounds and provided clarity. It allowed me to send birthday cards or notes of condolences to old friends. Events or acts that once devastated are put in their place and seem smaller with the passage of time.
6. I am thankful for our military and our veterans who gave or continue to give so much of themselves to my family and yours could remain safe, secure and most of all free. Tomorrow Cha's school is hosting a special lunch for veterans in their cafeteria. They will be playing a slideshow of service men and women dear to our children's lives. I sent in pictures of a few family and friends and am kinda thankful that I didn't volunteer to help. I can see myself blubbering all over the food.
7. I am thankful for my husband, his love, and the love he has for our child. This year we celebrate ten years together. It has been one wild roller coaster ride but when I think of the most joyful moments of my entire life, Matt is there. He is responsible for the best of the best and things will only get better.
8. I am thankful for my California roots. I grew up in So Cal in the late 60s, early 70s. That's a whole lot of liberalism. I was born with an open mind and was exposed to many different people and ideas. I learned to be tolerant of others and think it has served me well. Being exposed to such conflicting opinions was difficult at times but it left me with a firm grip on my own beliefs. When everyone around you says the sky is pink and you can't help but think it's blue, well that's just who you are. So thank you California for helping me become a better conservative.
9. I am thankful for the middle of the night decision to move to the east coast 22 years ago. I have now officially lived on the east coast longer than I lived on the west coast. When people ask me why I would leave the beach I always tell them I just feel more comfortable out here. I love the people. I admire the brains and attitude of east coasters. And the atmosphere. So Cal is beautiful and the people are gorgeous and amazing and talented and friendly, but in my opinion, east coasters are more genuine. The people are authentic.
10. I am thankful for HBO which puts out some of the Best Shows Ever. My favorites - Boardwalk Empire, Six Feet Under, Sex and the City, The Sopranos, Bored to Death, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Big Love, Flight of the Conchords, In Treatment, Oz. Six Feet Under has the best series finale of all time. Wouldn't it be neat for to see a life fast forwarded for all your favorite characters?
11. I am thankful for Gmail. I was one of the early adopters and got a Gmail invite long before it became public. My techie friends and I used it to share music. I rarely delete email and my in-box reads like a journal, which I go back and read quite often. There's a lot of history in those notes. A few were too painful to keep so they're gone without a trace, but those updates from Cha's early days or dating ramblings with the girlfriends is good stuff.
12. I am thankful for Blogger profiles which has introduced me to hundreds (if not thousands) of hours reading fascinating stories from around the world. I've become friends with several bloggers and am always excited when I stumble on someone new and get caught up on their posts.
13. I am thankful for the Patch Network 'your source for local knowledge you can't live without'. I have learned more about my community by reading my local Patch than from many years of reading the local newspaper. Check them out and see what you learn about your neighborhood.
14. I am thankful for my local library and the librarian who has known my daughter's name forever. Other than having a great children's book selection, fun story times, and cool programs, they also have an awesome used book room where for $5 you can fill an entire duffel bag with books to take home. (Yes, I know you can check them out and read them for FREE but some books I just love having on my shelf, which is why I don't think I'm a Kindle person.)
15. I am thankful for my Droid. It completes me!
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