Wednesday, December 19, 2007

I'm going for it

Okay, that was a super quick meeting with the plastic surgeon. Fortunately the office is only a mile from here and altho he was technically off work, he agreed to stay and meet with me. He works with the breast surgeon quite often and he says they work well together.

I had done so much research before meeting with him so I didn't have a lot of questions. He said there are two options that are best for me, one being the implant and the other DIEP, which is taking fat from my belly and moving it to the breast.

Like I stated earlier, I would think about the belly one only if it didn't mean a longer recovery. Well, I guess that was a lie! He said I'm a perfect candidate for DIEP (I'll try not to translate that into him calling me fat) but it is a longer surgery and a longer recovery. He said I would be significantly smaller both in the chest and stomach and that sounds too good to pass up! I gotta get something out of this cancer crap, right?

The surgery will be 7-8 hours and the recovery is 6-8 weeks. Some of his patients go back to work after 4 weeks, but he prefers people stay out at least 6. If I go the implant route I could be back to work in 3 weeks. So, it's not a huge difference.

I'm going for it.

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