Sunday, February 10, 2008

Quick insurance rant

When I was first diagnosed I called my insurance company to inform them and check on my benefits. The woman I spoke to was very helpful and gave me lots of good information. That was way back in the first week of December.

Two days ago I got a call from someone from the insurance company. She was from some special cancer patient program or something and she said she was checking up on me. She also wanted to inform me of a few benefits that I might not know about.

She wondered if I knew that I had travel benefits that would cover x amount of dollars should I choose to travel for a second opinion. The benefits also covered family traveling with me and lodging should I require overnight visits.

I told her that I was diagnosed in December and was actually already recovering from my surgery. She assumed that I was going for chemo treatment and asked when they would start. I very proudly stated that the cancer was 100% gone and I didn't require any further treatment. She seemed upset. 'Are you sure? I can't tell you how many women are told they do not need chemo only to see the cancer come back.' She strongly suggested that I go back for a second opinion before I make any decisions and again mentioned the travel benefits to do so.

Hmm, am I sure? I currently have no breast tissue in my entire body. I have sore arms from the lymph node biopsy. The pathology report came back clean on all counts. As far as I am concerned I am celebrating being cancer-free. Do I really need a second opinion at this point?

Not that this woman wasn't being helpful. My insurance company offers fantastic benefits and I am grateful for them. I'm just saying her call was two months too late.

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