Wednesday morning Tobi took me to my appt with my family doctor. The surgeon was certain I had diabetes which contributed to all the complications last week. My daily labs and finger sticks in the hospital showed that my sugar levels were out of control. I was getting insulin shots a couple times a day and they put me on a restricted diet. I had blood work done prior to the surgery and everything was fine so Dr. S wanted me to check things out with my family doctor.
Dr. M gave me a diabetes lecture with lots of information, an accu-check and a script for lancets and strips. I was instructed to test my sugar levels several times a day and go see the diabetes dietitian at the hospital. She gave me paperwork to immediately get my blood work down at the lab downstairs, which I did. I've been stressing over the diabetes factor and dreading being on insulin for the rest of my life.
Well, Dr. M's office called this morning to say that I tested negative for diabetes and my sugar levels were actually very normal. All the stress of the cancer and the surgery was just doing wacky things to my system. They did find that my potassium was a bit elevated but I think that's because I've been eating a lot of bananas this week (trying to be healthy and all!) They told me to cut out on all the bananas for a bit and go back next week for a second set of blood work. I am sooooo relieved that I don't have diabetes. I feel like I really dodged a bullet on that one.
Today I met with the plastic surgeon and he had wonderful things to say. I am healing very well and everything is right on track. One of my drains fell out of my left breast and he removed another from my right breast today, so I am down to a mere three drains. I have another appt with Dr. S next week and wouldn't be surprised if they all come out then. They really aren't draining too much now.
I've been a real slacker about returning emails and phone calls this week. That's because I've been sleeping so much. I was exhausted after my doctor visits and had to come home each day and take a four hour nap. Then I'd get a quick cat nap before dinner and another before bedtime. I feel great, I just think my body needs to sleep and relax.
Here's Tobi and I tonight before dinner. As you can see, we're having a fun time.

I promise to update more tomorrow. It's midnight now and I can't believe I'm awake!
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