We watched from outside the fence for a little while but Cha wasn't satisfied with just watching. She had to get in on the action. I was a bit apprehensive about taking her inside the pen but a woman there assured me that it would be fine. She brings her granddaughter there and the dogs are all friendly.
So we ventured in and Cha spent the next hour running with the dogs. She chased them and tossed balls. There were two incredible Great Danes who were as friendly as they were tall. The two of them were running after a Sheep Dog who was a real angel. Cha's favorite was Sundance, a three legged Golden Retriever. She was the sweetest little girl and was so happy.
When we got home we tried for two hours to get Cha to nap but it just wasn't happening. She was too wound up and full of energy, so she helped out in the kitchen. I had picked up a small 6 lb turkey for the three of us but Matt got a giant 22 lb one from work that he wanted to roast. The three of us had fun in the kitchen making our Thanksgiving meal.
Today I am thankful for my wonderful family of three and for the fun we have together. We have our ups and downs but Matt and I provide a very loving and playful home for our little girl.
Tomorrow is the one year anniversary of my 'bad mammogram'. I am breathing much easier today than I was a year ago. I'm looking forward to next year being even better.
I hope you had a fulfilling Thanksgiving.
Looks like you had a wonderful day! Happy Thanksgiving!