Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Good News / Bad News

The good news is that I'm getting feeling back in my chest and abdomen.

The bad news is that Holy Crap! I'm getting feeling back in my chest and abdomen!! Yee-ouch!

My nipples hurt all.the.time. They are red and swollen and feel hot. I don't think it's due to an infection, more so from friction of my bras and camisoles. They are an oopy, goopy mess and even tho I lather them up with Neosporin and cover them with non-stick bandages, they still stick. When I twist or turn the friction irritates the wounds so they are slow to heal.

I trimmed down the stitches yesterday. There are dozens of them and they were getting stuck on my bra. So if I reached for something and a stitch was stuck in my bra it would pull, which causes the most intense pain. Several times it brought tears to my eyes. I'm not used to having feeling in my chest and it's kind of a bummer that the first sensation I have is agonizing.

The incisions in my groin are still painful as well. They run right along the panty line and you can imagine the constant friction from walking, standing, crossing your legs or even just sitting. The incisions opened up in a couple spots too. Per Dr. S. I've been putting Neosporin on them as well but I think if they don't start looking better I'm going to go in and have him take a look.

So the good news is that my body is healing, but the bad news is that it's still pretty ticked at me.

On an unrelated note, Matt had a good news / bad news day of his own today. Things are moving in the right direction finally, but at a very slow pace. On the way home from work today I was overcome with excitement over the thought of Cha meeting her big brother for the first time. That's a picture I simply cannot wait to share!


  1. Wouldn't that be wonderful for Cha to meet her brother! I pray it all works out for you guys!

    I guess you aren't able to take any more time off of work to properly heal? I hope the pain doesn't last too much longer.


  2. I hope the pain lets up for you very, very soon.

  3. Wow! Sounds painful. I hope you start feeling better.
