I had planned on typing out how much pain I'm in but thought that would get redundant. I've decided instead to steal Jen's idea and post a Thankful Thursday.
Ten things I'm thankful for today:
1. MIL showing up this morning, with tonight's dinner in hand, and taking Cha to school.
2. Cha waking up easily when I told her that Mimi was coming over to take her to school.
3. All my friends who have called and emailed the past couple of days to check up on me.
4. Matt's healthy body and his willingness to pick up the slack while I'm laid out.
5. My central air and ceiling fan that keep me cool, since the pain meds make me warm and dizzy.
6. My internet connection!
7. Pete the Cat who has been snuggling up to me on the couch all day.
8. My parents who put off their return trip a couple extra days to be with me.
9. That we have a downstairs bathroom.
10. Peace and quiet
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