Friday, August 29, 2008

What's a lady gotta do to get some sleep around here?

It's midnight and I need to sleep but it just ain't happening. I took a pain pill at 9:30 and was hoping it would help zonk me out.

I managed to take a look under the bandages tonight, altho it wasn't due to impatience. I realized that it was nearly impossible to pee while wearing the abdomen binder so I had to take it off. What I found was a lot of blood but very little bruising. I pulled off my shirt and noticed that my bra was also bloody so I had to change the dressing. Ick, that was messy. So far I've soaked through two bras and have resorted to wearing maxi-pads on my chest again. The only bruises were around my bra line which looks funny.

We'll see what it looks like tomorrow....if I ever manage to sleep!

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