Surgery went fine. They rolled me in at 11:07 and the next time I looked at the clock it was 2:20. So, it was a quickie. I was much more nauseous this time than I was one of the other times. I seriously thought I was going to vomit and asked for a cup. I also had a pounding headache. They gave me something for it tho it didn't seem to do much. I think I woke up too quickly. They didn't push me out of the recovery room by any means but I knew I would feel better once I got home so I was in a hurry to leave. A cool, dark bedroom seems an obvious choice over a brightly lit and busy recovery room.
I am stuck wearing an abdominal binder for the next few weeks. Dr. S must have made quite an improvement because even with the bulky binder my pants fit fine. I'll be able to take a look (and pictures) in the morning when I change the dressing.
He did very little to my breasts which means no drains (yippee!) However he did clean up the scars that were under my right breast which were causing so much pain. I am wearing a bra over light bandages but when I got home and changed my shirt I could see a hell of a lot of bruising already. If it's this bad outside of my bra I can only imagine what I'll find for the great unveiling.
The pain isn't too miserable at the moment but I'm a bit of a space cadet.
Top five things that I am thankful for today:
1. I made it!
2. All the colors of the rainbow. Bruises mean healing and that's a good thing, right?
3. Matthew for being so caring and understanding
4. All the sweet notes from friends and family.
5. One more successful notch on my surgery belt.
Gentle hugs!!