The last seven days have been stress filled. Thankfully it has nothing to do with cancer or health crisis's so I guess I can't really complain. It has keep from from posting on a regular basis, so let me catch you up.
Thankful Thursday (abridged) : I am thankful for my four kitties, 40 mpg on the new car, Cha's health, Vicki's movement, long talks with Tobi, getting Comcast back, my migraine finally went away, Connie and Kristin, my husband who knows me well and gives good advice, and God.
My next surgery is scheduled for September 8th. It will be similar to my last surgery, in and out the same day. The pain and recovery will be the same tho I am only going to take a week off. I'm running low on leave time so I'm hoping if I have drains that they'll come out quickly.
My breasts have been giving me some trouble lately. If I roll over and sleep on my right side I wake up in excruciating pain. Matt has heard me scream in the middle of the night thanks to the pain. I'm not sure what's causing it and I am hoping it will be resolved during the next surgery. It's also becoming painful to wear bras. I had a tight support bra on last week and after an hour I felt stabbing pains in both breasts. We were out to dinner with friends and I had to come home and take a dilaudid. It was a real bummer because we had hired a babysitter and planned on making it a late night.
This weekend I had one of the worst migraines I've had in a while. The vomit, cold sweats, and nearly black out kind. Matt was wonderful and took care of Charlotte while I huddled up in the dark, freezing cold bedroom. At one point he asked me if I needed to go to the ER. I think this was the first time he's experienced me with one of 'the big ones'.
I'm having some issues with my mom's group. Just some personality clashes, but it's been difficult. I wasn't sure how to handle it and I second-guessed myself all the way to a bad decision. I've become increasingly intolerant of people lately and I can't decide if it's due to the cancer, heading into my mid-40s, or just my character. People need to be nice to each other and I failed at making that point by being mean.
Cha started swim lessons last week at the local Y. She loves the water but couldn't follow directions to save her life. If the instructor told her to slowly climb in the pool she jumped. And there was no laying on her back and kicking. She just wanted to laugh and splash. This is a beginner class and the purpose to familiarize the kids with water and make them comfortable getting their heads wet. Cha already does well with that so I guess she's ahead of the game. I'm looking forward to the next class when she's alone with the instructor.
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