Monday, March 9, 2009

Long, exhausting day

Yay, it's Monday!

The best part about today is the fact that it's almost over. It started late last night with some marital disagreements followed by Cha getting up at 5:30 and throwing up in my bed. (At least it wasn't my side.)

There was a series of further marital disagreements, some facebook stalking by everyone's favorite crazy ex-wife, and then a calming chat with Dear CC. Oh and there was a lot of cursing and tears.

I got a note from S when I got home asking me to call his mom. Bad news on the SIL#3 front. It's breast cancer. Results were just received this afternoon and she'll have more information after her doctor appointment tomorrow.

Talking to someone who is newly diagnosed is hard. I think back to my early days and remember how much I appreciated emails from Ms. Moser, who gave me info without really giving me advice (unless I begged for it). As I spoke to SIL#3 I had to check myself and look at things as an outsider. She needs facts and options and not my feelings. I'll surely answer if asked but she doesn't need just one point of view.

I told her that one of the most difficult parts of this whole ordeal is having to make the decisions yourself. She'll get advice from every side and while the doctors will make recommendations, the decision is ultimately hers, and that can be overwhelming. I suggested she check out BCO, which was my favorite resource for info and support.

So tonight I pray for SIL#3, who has always been one of my favorites. I am also praying that my darling 3 year old will stop screaming for me and let her daddy put her to bed. We all need to sleep.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry to hear about your SIL. I hope that she fairs through everything ok.
