Tuesday, November 27, 2012

little things

It's very important to us that Cha grow up to be a wonderfully accepting, compassionate, and open minded woman.  Since she was very young we talked to her about diversity and how people are free to love whomever their hearts tells them they love.   We say that anyone can be together, as long as they love and care about each other, and no one is getting hurt.  Boys can love boys, girls can love girls, and they can love each other.

One day I heard her talking with a friend.  The girl had called a classmate gay and Cha said, 'It's okay to be gay, as long as he's happy.'   Right on, baby.

But it seems that I've been concentrating too much on the same sex coupling side of diversity.   The other night she asked me:

'Mom, is it okay for a white person to marry a Chinese person?'

We've never really discussed race, which I guess is a good thing since it shows her that it's not really an issue.  I told her that yes, it's totally fine for different races to marry, providing they follow the golden rule - they have to love and care for each other, and not out to hurt anyone.

She said: 

'Oh, okay.'

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