Monday, July 6, 2009

Confession: Drugs, I get it

So Michael Jackson died last week, as the whole world knows. The rumor is that it was a drug overdose which is not shocking but still tragic. It sounds like his drug of choice, and the one that killed him, was Propofol which is puts you under as in anesthesia. Sources claim that MJ had severe insomnia and the only way he could get rest was by going under. Scary stuff.

While I'm sure most people think this is insane, I kinda get it. I've had nearly a dozen surgeries over the past five years and altho none of them were fun, there were some peaceful aspects to them. Going under is a trip. It's a magic carpet ride and except for my recent surgery, I woke up every time feeling mentally refreshed.

I am far from a drug addict. I've still got a few Vicodin from a year ago. The first time I was given Percocet when Cha was born I had a terrible reaction so I'm a bit hesitant about drugs. Add on to that the fact that Heath Ledger overdosed on the same drugs I was taking after my mastectomy while I was still in the hospital and you can see my fear.

But....I can see the appeal of being knocked out at night and waking up refreshed every morning. Thankfully I'm a smart cookie and don't have the foolish resources to buy crooked doctors who would put me in danger for a chunk of change.

I have fond memories of drifting off in a bright white room surrounded by people dressed in paper so I get it.

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