Thursday, August 14, 2008

Thankful Thursday

I've got much to be thankful for today.

1. Cha is sitting at my feet 'reading' books and counting to ten in Spanish. And, she's having fun! I am thankful that she loves books and hope that learning is always an enjoyable experience for her.

2. Matt had a bad day and came home crabby so I sent him to the library. I'm thankful that there are thousands of books and magazines to help take his mind off things.

3. The thrift store we stop by a couple times a week has all clothing marked down for a dollar. I picked up three Land's End dresses for Cha. Super bargain!

4. The neighbors are on an 11 day vacation which means things will be peaceful for a while.

5. I am thankful for J/P's words of wisdom and encouragement which I hope will lead me to a fun new blog template this weekend.

6. Tomorrow is Friday and that means one day closer to spending the day at Dutch Wonderland with my little girl and our friends!

7. I am thankful that Vicki is doing well in rehab and have high hopes that she will continue to improve.

8. I cleaned out the medicine drawer last night and threw out four boxes of sinus and cold medicine that expired in 2006. I am thankful that the family hasn't been sick enough to use four boxes of sinus and cold medicine, but I gotta wonder what they were doing in my bathroom since we didn't even live here in 2006.

9. I am especially thankful to Mariana for the copy of Mamma Mia that Cha and I have been listening to non-stop. Meryl Streep can sing!

10. I am thankful that at least one day a week I force myself to stop and think of all I have to be thankful for.


  1. Thanks for your kind words and prayers. Have fun with your daughter!

  2. Looking forward to seeing a new template!

  3. (thanks J--I wasn't very helpful though!)

    I've always wanted to go to Dutch Wonderland; I'm glad you guys had a good time.
