Monday, December 22, 2008

The What Ifs

I've been playing the What If game for at least 30 years. What if we move to a new school and the kids hate me? What if I color my hair and it all falls out? What if I take this job and they fire me a week later?

One thing I've learned is that it's never as bad as I imagine it to be, even when it is really, really bad. A year ago I was shaking in fear over my upcoming mammogram. I was crying days beforehand, knowing that it wasn't going to be good news. I was right, it wasn't good news but it wasn't nearly as bad as I feared. Sure, it was bad but I survived.

When I first came home from the hospital after my surgery I could barely take the stairs. I wasn't sleeping well and had to take pain pills and antibiotics several times a night. I remember standing in the bathroom on the first floor emptying my drains and taking my meds thinking how lucky I was that we moved into this house. It set me off on a course of backward what-if thinking to see where it all started.

If we didn't move into the townhouse in June '07 we wouldn't have a 1st floor bathroom that would serve as my midnight refuge. We also wouldn't have a spare bedroom for my mother, my niece and Tobi to stay in while they visited.

If we didn't move in June '07 I am pretty certain that we wouldn't have moved at all. My condo sold super quick, which gave us a nice down payment for the townhouse. If I waited another year the market would have crashed and we would have been stuck with the condo, or had been forced to sell it at a reduce price. And who knows if I would have ever been able to qualify for a mortgage this year. I got the mortgage on my own and as we all know, banks are much more strict these days. I'm betting they wouldn't have been too kind to me.

If I didn't meet Kelly, a new member of the mom's group who just happened to be a realtor, I never would have thought of selling at that point.

If I never started the mom's group, I never would have met Kelly, and the many, many other wonderful women who helped me out during my recovery. I can't imagine having to deal with the cancer and recovery without a fantastic circle of friends.

If the local Mom's Clubs didn't diss me, saying their membership was restricted to stay at home moms, I never would have started my own mom's club for working mothers.

If I never had my darling daughter, I never would have needed a mom's club.

If Matt and I had broken up for the fifth time and actually stayed broken up, I never would have had my beautiful little girl who I was able to breastfeed.

If I failed to answer Matt's odd response to my personal ad way back in June 2001 I never would have met him.

And, if my first husband and I didn't separate in 2000 I wouldn't have been on the dating scene. (Just as Matt wouldn't be on the prowl if he and his first wife didn't separate in 2001.)

So, something as depressing as a divorce kicked off a string of events that brought all these wonderful people into my life. And it allowed me to be exactly where I needed to be when cancer found me, in the 1st floor bathroom draining fluids from my body.

Interesting. Let's see what fun the cancer recovery brings.

1 comment:

  1. This post reminded me of Joseph in the book of Genesis. When speaking to his brothers he stated:

    You intended to harm me, but God intended it all for good. He brought me to this position so I could save the lives of many people.

    Your wisdom and transparency will guide others as you share your experiences. For those without hope, you offer a light at the end of the tunnel. Those who fear for their lives can take heart that you survived the very same troubles they currently face.

    We may not like the roads we travel, but thankfully there is a depth upon the finishline.
